◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆  日本図書館情報学会 メールマガジン      No.276 (2015/9/8)                   日本図書館情報学会総務委員会                      E-mail: somu@jslis.jp                      WWW: http://www.jslis.jp/ ◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇ ■目次 ◆CiSAP Workshop: 論文募集のお知らせ -------------------------------------------------------------------- ◆CiSAP Workshop: 論文募集のお知らせ 2015年12月12日に韓国ソウルで開催されるCiSAP Workshopの論文投稿締切が、9月22日に延長されました。研究の計画段階の論文も受け付ける予定です。 皆様からの投稿をお待ちしておりますので、ふるってご応募ください。 ====================== CALL FOR PAPERS CiSAP Workshop 2015 Yonsei University, Seoul Korea December 12, 2015 http://icadl2015.org/cisap/ CiSAP is the Consortium of information Schools in Asia-Pacific (CiSAP) which was launched at 2008. Information schools are rapidly gaining a global recognition and the information schools community is expanding in our region. Library and Information Science is a crucial subject area in the community. Computer Science, Business Administration, Health Informatics, and so on are also important areas for information schools. In previous years, CiSAP has sponsored the international workshop on global collaboration of information schools (WIS) at ICADL. The WIS focused on a collaboration of information schools in the global community. The workshop included a research forum, roundtable discussion and information sharing toward the future of information schools in the Asia-Pacific region. This year, we have decided to reform the workshop to the CiSAP workshop. The CiSAP workshop 2015 focus on research activities in information schools. In the workshop, we expect to exchange research idea, explore our activities, share information, discuss about research collaboration. We welcome both CiSAP members and non-CiSAP members; researchers and students in information schools and related schools and anyone who are interested in information school activities. The workshop consists of a student session and a general session. We encourage students to submit research papers, the positioning paper would be fine. All submissions will be reviewed by the CiSAP workshop 2015 committee for presentation. Submissions: ・Papers should be about 1200 words in length. ・We recommend the use of the LNCS template. ・Submissions should be name to the ICADL page for EasyChair (please select CiSAP Track). The submission site will open June 1, 2015. Note: Please note in EasyChair whether you are a student. Important Dates: ・Submission deadline: *September 22*, 2015 ・Notification of acceptance: October 1, 2015 ・Workshop date: December 12, 2015 CiSAP annual meeting will take place right after the CiSAP workshop 2014. All participants of the workshop are welcome to attend the CiSAP annual meeting. Central topics of the annual meeting will be the activities and organization policy for the future. Workshop Organizers: ChernLi LIEW, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand Emi ISHITA, Kyushu University, Japan ====================== -------------------------------------------------------------------- ・このメールマガジンは,図書館情報学や図書館に関する情報の提供を主な  目的として,当学会会員(希望者)を対象に不定期に発行されています。 ・掲載を希望される場合(非学会員も可)は,記事原稿を当学会総務委員会 (somu@jslis.jp)まで電子メールにてご送付ください(「件名」は「メール  マガジン掲載希望」)。なお,送付いただいた記事原稿は編集する場合が  あります。掲載までに時間がかかる場合や掲載できない場合があります。 ・このメールマガジンは,等幅フォントで最適化されています。 ・バックナンバーは,当学会ウェブサイト(http://www.jslis.jp/mm/)に  掲載されています(発行から一定時間経過後に掲載いたします)。 --------------------------------------------------------------------