
Research Projects
LIPER (Library and Information Professions and Education Renewal): a three-year research project to study LIS education systems and curricula in Japan and overseas for a possible reform of the Japanese LIS education system, completed in March 2006. Publications in English from LIPER Project follows:
- Shuichi Ueda, Akira Nemoto, Makiko Miwa, Mitsuhiro Oda, Haruki Nagata, Teruyo Horikawa. (2005) Library and Information Professions and Education Renewal (LIPER). 71th IFLA General Conference and Council, Education and Training with Library Theory and Research,,2005-08-14/18, Oslo, Norway.
- Haruki NagataCShin'ichi Toda CHiroshi ItsumuraCKenji KoyamaCYasunori SaitoCMasanori SuzukiCNoboru Takahashi. (2006) Body of Professional Knowledge Required for the Academic Librarians in Japan. A-LIEP Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Information Education and Practice--Preparing Information Professionals for Leadership in the New Age |Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore, 3-6 April 2006.
- Keita Tsuji, Makiko Miwa, Yuko Yoshida, Hiroya Takeuchi, Tomohide Muranushi, Masami Shibata. (2006) Library and Information Science Education in Japan: Results of a 2005 Survey of Shisho Certification. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, Vol. 47, No. 3, 238-255.
- Makiko Miwa. (2006). Trends and issues in LIS education in Asia. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, Vol. 47, No. 3, 167-180
- Makiko Miwa, Shuichi Ueda, Akira Nemoto, Mitsuhiro Oda, Haruki Nagata, Teruyo Horikawa. (2006) Final Results of the LIPER Project in Japan. 72th IFLA General Conference and Council, Education and Training with Library Theory and ResearchC2006-08-20/24, Seoul, Korea
Library and Information Professions and Education Renewal 2 (LIPER2): the follow-up research project of the LIPER project between April 2006 and March 2010 to facilitate the fulfillment of the two proposals of the LIPER project in a global environment. Publications in English from LIPER2 Project follows:
- Makiko Miwa, Yumiko Kasai, Shizuko Miyahara. (2007) Toward mutual accreditation and credit exchange among LIS programs in the Asia-Pacific Region. Proceedings of the ASIA Pacific Conference on Library & Information Education & Practice 2007 (2nd A-LIEP 2007), 113-129, Shih-Hsin University, Taipei, Taiwan
Evidence-Based Approach to Library and Information Science (EBA): a two year research project to explore evidence-based librarianship (EBA) or evidence based library and information practice (EBLIP), a relatively new concept for library and information science, completed in March 2008.. Publications in English from EBA Project follows:
- Haruki Nagata; Akira Toda. (2007) Students' patterns of library use and their learning outcomes. Evidence-Based Library & Information Practice 4th International Conference. May 6-11, 2007. Sheraton Imperial Hotel and Convention Center, Durham, North Carolina.
- Yukiko Sakai; Yasuhiko Kiyama. (2007) Is gIgaku Toshokanh providing the evidence to help medical librarians with decision-making?. Evidence-Based Library & Information Practice 4th International Conference. May 6-11, 2007. Sheraton Imperial Hotel and Convention Center, Durham, North Carolina.
- Mitsuhiro Oda; Norihisa Yoda. (2007). Reference transaction records as evidence of reference librarian's competencies. Evidence-Based Library & Information Practice 4th International Conference. May 6-11, 2007. Sheraton Imperial Hotel and Convention Center, Durham, North Carolina.