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KALIPER Findings:
Indicators of Change in LIS Researchand Education

講演者: Joan C. Durrance, Professor University of Michigan School of Information
講演題目: "KALIPER Findings: Indicators of Change in LIS Researchand Education"
コーディネータ: 三輪眞木子(メディア教育開発センター教授

主催: LIPER−情報専門職の養成に向けた図書館情報学教育体制の再構築に関する総合的研究(科学研究費)研究班
日時: 2003年10月27日() 午後2時〜4時
場所: 東京大学教育学部第一会議室

 日本図書館情報学会創立50周年記念講演のために来日するProfessor Durranceに、記念講演よりもっと踏み込んで北米の図書館情報学教育を調査したKALIPERとその影響についてお話しいただく会です。

問い合わせ先: 根本彰

"KALIPER Findings: Indicators of Change in LIS Research and Education"

Joan C. Durrance, Professor University of Michigan School of Information

 This presentation (in English) examines the changes identified by KALIPER Study of Library and Information Science (LIS) Education, published in 2000, the major examination of LIS education funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.
 The focus of this presentation will be on the changes seen in the past three years. This presentation will, in addition, briefly discuss LIS research and its influences on LIS education, using the "Broad Groupings of LIS/IS Research at the Beginning of a New Century."
 Brief profiles of a few highly ranked and innovative LIS programs including those who have become schools of information will be presented.
 Profiles will be drawn from the following library and information science and "information school" programs: University of Michigan. School of Information; University of Illinois. Graduate School of Library and Information Science; University of North Carolina. School of Information and Library Science; Rutgers University. School of Communication, Information and Library Studies; Syracuse University. School of Information Studies; University of Washington. Information School; University of California-Los Angeles. Graduate School of Education & Information Studies.
 These profiles will show how the trends identified by KALIPER are represented in several of top-ranked and innovative LIS and Information school educational programs and in the research of their faculty.
 Finally, the presentation will conclude with an examination of the convergences among information programs which are emerging from library and information science and those emerging from schools of computer science.